Matching System
Last updated
Last updated
Ease of function for users has been added.
You do not need to use macroinstruction to find a party.
You can play easily through party / guild matching.
You can grow your character easily by joining party / guild matching.
Recruitment time will be reduced by this system.
You can enjoy more contents that you could not experience.
โNโ button or Community icon - Select [Matching] on basic menu to choose Party / Guild matching.
A murderer will be restricted to use.
There is not limited level but matching system has limit in some area.
Lorencia Market
Loren Valley
Arca War
Illusion Temple
Chaos Castle
Empire Guardian
Party Matching
Guild Matching
When a character is disconnected, registration of recruitment and request will be removed to be cancelled.
Registration of guild matching will be deleted during the last scheduled maintenance every month.
Registration can be canceled using [Suspend Party Member Search] menu any time.
When a character becomes a murderer during registration, ad will be deleted automatically.
Choose Party matching or Guild matching on Matching window or click โNโ button.
Register Party Matching Tap
Accept Tap
Description of How to Receive Party Members
It is a title and indispensable part. You can write within 20 characters.
Only four numbers can be entered and you can set up closed.
Auto Accept
When you tick Auto Accept, a character will become a party member without waiting for accept.
Level of Party Members Desired
Level section settings for searching party members can be set by levels of 10. [EX - 10, 20 , 30]
Hunting Ground
It will be shown in ad and you can choose a hunting ground after found party members.
Choose class for a party member.
This is the last step to register ad to find a party member.
Accept / Deny taps for registered party members after posted ad.
Suspend Party Member Search
This is a button to cancel your ad.
You can search a party or apply for a party
Search Party Tap
View Party Membership Tap
Random Party Matching
It will automatically find you a party that meets the conditions for your character.
Search Subject Lines
Searching a subject line through a word from registered ads.
Find Party Members List
Appropriate ads are arranged for your condition.
View open party available
Appropriate ads are arranged for your condition.
View Waiting Status
It is window to check status of waiting for Approval to Join a Party.
Reset List
Updating the latest ads.
Guild Matching is divided as โFind Guild membersโ, โSearch Guildโ and Accept.
โFind Guild memberโ can be composed as subject lines, level, class, interests by purpose.
You can find a guild member or a guild to join.
Search Guild Tap
View Register Guild Tap
Search Subject Lines
Searching a subject line through a word from registered.
Find Party Members List
Showing all registered ads of guild and โRegisterโ button will be activated for suitable ad for your condition.
View Waiting Status
It is window to check status of waiting for Approval to Join a guild.
Reset List
Updating the latest ads.
Alert icon will be displayed on a screen, when a request of waiting for Approval to join a party or guild comes after completed registration.
The icon will make an alert sound at the first time and will flash on a screen.
When you click the icon, a menu for accept will be shown.
When a player cancel register, the icon will disappear.
Receive party members - Party matching is divided as Find Party Members, Search Party and Accept menus. - Find Members is divided as Subject Level and Class etc. by a purpose users want.