Matching System

Matching System


  • Ease of function for users has been added.

  • You do not need to use macroinstruction to find a party.

  • You can play easily through party / guild matching.

  • You can grow your character easily by joining party / guild matching.

  • Recruitment time will be reduced by this system.

  • You can enjoy more contents that you could not experience.

Detailed Information

1. How to use

  • โ€˜Nโ€™ button or Community icon - Select [Matching] on basic menu to choose Party / Guild matching.

2. Condition to use

  • A murderer will be restricted to use.

  • There is not limited level but matching system has limit in some area.

3. Conditions of Cancellation

  • When a character is disconnected, registration of recruitment and request will be removed to be cancelled.

  • Registration of guild matching will be deleted during the last scheduled maintenance every month.

  • Registration can be canceled using [Suspend Party Member Search] menu any time.

  • When a character becomes a murderer during registration, ad will be deleted automatically.

4. Setting Window

  • Choose Party matching or Guild matching on Matching window or click โ€˜Nโ€™ button.

  • Register Party Matching Tap

  • Accept Tap

Search Party

  • You can search a party or apply for a party

  • Search Party Tap

  • View Party Membership Tap

Search Party setting

Find guild Members

  • Guild Matching is divided as โ€˜Find Guild membersโ€™, โ€˜Search Guildโ€™ and Accept.

  • โ€˜Find Guild memberโ€™ can be composed as subject lines, level, class, interests by purpose.

  • You can find a guild member or a guild to join.

  • Search Guild Tap

  • View Register Guild Tap

Search Guild Setting

Register Alert

  • Alert icon will be displayed on a screen, when a request of waiting for Approval to join a party or guild comes after completed registration.

  • The icon will make an alert sound at the first time and will flash on a screen.

  • When you click the icon, a menu for accept will be shown.

  • When a player cancel register, the icon will disappear.

Last updated