Character Information Window

Character Information Window

  • 1. Character information window

    • 1. You can open Character Information Window with hotkey [C] or the character information button on the UI on the bottom of the screen.

    • 2. Pet information window shortcut button and UI have been deleted. You can check pet information at pet tooltip, same as before.

  • 2. Basic Information Window

  • 3. Expanded Information Window

    • 1. You can open and close the Expanded Information Window by clicking the button on the right side of Basic Information Window or by using hotkey [Shift + C].

    • 3. Options displayed in Expanded Information Window are as follows

      OptionsDisplayedExplanation of displayed information

      Critical Damage Rate

      Crit dmg rate

      Displays chance for critical damage when attacking.

      Excellent Damage Chance

      Exc dmg rate

      Displays chance for excellent damage when attacking.

      Double Damage Chance

      Double dmg rate

      Displays chance for double damage when attacking.

      Chance to ignore enemy's defense

      Def ign rate

      Displays chance for ignoring enemy's defense and afflict damage.

      Chance to return damage

      Return dmg rate

      Displays chance for returning the damage afflicted by the enemy when being attacked.

      Skill attack damage increase

      Skill Atk dmg inc

      Displays skill attack damage increase.

      Critical damage increase

      Crit dmg inc

      Displays critical damage increase when a critical damage occurs.

      Excellent damage increase

      Exc dmg inc

      Displays excellent damage increase when an excellent damage occurs.

      Damage increase rate

      Dmg inc rate

      Displays % value of damage increase when attacking.

      Damage reduction rate

      Dmg Redc rate

      Displays % value of damage reduction when being attacked.

      Damage reflection rate

      Dmg Reflc rate

      Displays chance for reflecting damage to the enemy when being attacked.

      Damage absorb rate

      Dmg absorb rate

      Displays % value for absorbing damage when being attacked.

      HP recovery rate

      HP rec rate

      Displays amount of HP recovered at HP auto recovery.

      Monster attack HP recovery

      Mob Atk HP rec

      Displays amount of HP recovered at monster kill.

      Chance to restore all HP

      Res all HP rate

      Displays chance to restore all HP when being attacked.

      HP absorb amount

      HP absorb

      Displays amount of HP absorbed with a chance at successful attack.

      MP recovery rate

      MP rec rate

      Displays amount of MP recovered at MP auto recovery.

      Monster attack MP recovery

      Mob Atk MP rec

      Displays amount of MP recovered at monster kill.

      Chance to restore all MP

      Res All MP rate

      Displays chance to restore all MP when being attacked.

      MP usage reduction rate

      MP use redc rate

      Displays % value for skill MP usage reduction rate.

      AG recovery rate

      AG rec rate

      Displays amount of AG recovered at AG auto recovery.

      AG usage reduction rate

      AG usage red rate

      Displays % value for skill AG usage reduction rate.

      SD recovery rate

      SD rec rate

      Displays amount of SD recovered at SD auto recovery.

      Monster Attack SD recovery

      Mob Atk SD rec

      Displays amount of SD recovered at monster kill.

      Chance to restore all SD

      Res all SD rate

      Displays chance to restore all SD when attacking.

      SD absorb amount

      SD absorb

      Displays amount of HP absorbed with a chance when attacking.

      SD rate when attacked

      SD rate when atkd

      [SD rate increase] Displays % value of increasing Absorb Shield rate.

      SD rate when attack

      SD rate when atk

      [SD reduction rate increase] Displays % value of reducing opponent's Absorb Shield rate according to options.

      SD ignore rate

      SD ignore rate

      Displays chance to ignore SD and afflict direct damage to opponent's HP at PVP.

      Stun rate

      Stun rate

      Displays chance to afflict stun effect to opponent when attacking.

      Stun resistance rate

      Stun res rate

      Displays stun resistance rate when being attacked.

      Basic defense

      Basic def

      Displays absolute defense by [Steel Armor] at master skill tree. Basic defense is not affected by ignore defense.

      Shield absorb damage amount

      Shield absorb

      Displays shield absorb damage amount by [Shield Block] at master skill tree.

      Shield block

      Shield blck rate

      Displays chance for shield block by [Protection Shield] at master skill tree.

      Weapon block rate

      Weapon blck rate

      Displays chance to block physical attacks by [Weapon Block] at master skill tree.

      Zen obtain increase rate

      Zen ob inc

      Displays increased % value for obtaining Zen at monster hunting.

  • 4. Elemental information window

      • - Displays element interactions when Pentagram is equipped.

      • - According to the element of Pentagram equipped by the character, on the top of the table elements stronger than you and on the bottom side elements weaker than you will be displayed in alignment.

      • - For instance, if you have fire element Pentagram equipped, water and earth elements that are stronger than fire will appear on the top, and wind and darkness elements that are weaker than fire will appear on the bottom, aligned automatically.

      • - When a fire element Pentagram equipped and the opponent's element is darkness, the attack damage rate is 110% and the elemental damage * 110% becomes the final attack damage.

      • - The attack damage and defense rate is different depending on elements and PVE / PVP situations.

    • 5. Element Option InformationDisplays Pentagram's additional options, or Errtel's additional effect options.

    • 2. The options displayed at Element Option Information are as follows.

      OptionsDisplayedExplanation of displayed information

      Element Critical Damage Chance

      Crit Ele Dmg rate

      Displays chance for elemental damage to be applied as critical damage. ā€» This option is activated depending on Errtel equipment for Pentagrams above Equip Level 180.

      Resistance to stronger element

      Res to Str Elem

      Displays chance for completely resisting elemental attack and evade damage when being attacked by an opponent with stronger element. When your element is fire, the displayed value is resistance against water and earth elements that are stronger elements than fire. ā€» This option is activated depending on Errtel equipment for Pentagrams above Equip Level 180.

      Resistance to elemental damage

      Res to Ele Dmg

      Displays chance for completely resisting elemental attack and evade damage when receiving elemental attack. ā€» This option is activated depending on Errtel equipment for Pentagrams above Equip Level 180.

      Absorb Shield

      Absorb Shield

      Displays % value of absorbing damage into SD with a chance. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.

      Absorb HP

      Absorb HP

      Displays % value of absorbing damage to HP with a chance. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.


      Bleeding (Dmg)

      Displays damage afflicted by a durable effect invoking damages to the target with certain chance. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.


      Paralyzing (sec)

      Displays chance for afflicting speed reduction and all recovery ability reduced by 90%. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.


      Bind (sec)

      Displays chance for binding opponent's legs to disable mobility. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.


      Punish (Add Dmg)

      Afflicts additional damage by % value of object's max HP when a critical elemental attack occurs. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.


      Blind (Redd Atk)

      Reduces target's attack success rate by % value. ā€» The option can be acquired through Errtel of Radiance rank up.

Last updated