Jewel of Pandora

Jewel of Pandora

Jewel of Pandora

  • This system is to dig Jewel of Bless in mining areas after equipped Pandora Pick (two-handed).

  • When Pandora Pick (two-handed) is used to dig in mining areas, the durability will be consumed and the durability could be repaired by Jewel of Bless.

[Description] Jewel of Pandora

  • Pandora Pick (two-handed) can be purchased from NPC ‘Weapons Merchant Bolo’ in the Kalutan.

Location of NPCKalutan

Name of NPC

Weapons Merchant Bolo


100,000 Zen

  • When Pandora Pick (two-handed) is equipped, a mining area will be shown in safe areas of specific areas, Lost Tower ,Tarkan, Aida, Swamp of Peace and La Cleon. (Except those areas, a mining area will not be shown.)

  • Lost Tower Safe Zone

  • Lost Tower Safe Minimap

  • Tarkan Safe Zone

  • Tarkan Safe Mini Map

  • Aida Safe Zone

  • Aida Mini Map

  • La Cleon Safe Zone

  • La Cleon Mini Map

  • There are three kinds of mining areas in each area and each Pandora Pick (two-handed) has different durability.

  • More jewels can be obtained in an area where requires more consumption of durability.

  • Mining Area (Blue) Pandora Pick (two-handed)’s Consumption of Durability 2

  • Mining Area (Purple) Pandora Pick (two-handed)’s Consumption of Durability 4

  • Mining Area (Gold) Pandora Pick (two-handed)’s Consumption of Durability 8

- When all 5 times of mining attempts are successful, players may get a chance to see a special message called ‘Gift of Pandora’, and will be able to obtain more Jewels of Bless.

Success of one time mine

Success of two times mine

Success of three times mine

Success of four times mine

Success of five times mine

Gift of Pandora

Mining Area (Blue)

1 Jewel of Bless

3 Jewel of Bless

7 Jewel of Bless

16 Jewel of Bless

33 Jewel of Bless

100 Jewel of Bless

Mining Area (Purple)

2 Jewel of Bless

6 Jewel of Bless

15 Jewel of Bless

34 Jewel of Bless

67 Jewel of Bless

400 Jewel of Bless

Mining Area (Gold)

4 Jewel of Bless

12 Jewel of Bless

29 Jewel of Bless

65 Jewel of Bless

125 Jewel of Bless

1000 Jewel of Bless

How to mine Jewel of Pandora

  • First of all, you need to purchase Pandora Pick (two-handed). (NPC, Weapons Merchant Bolo, in Karutan sells Pandora Pick (two-handed).

  • The first durability of Pandora Pick (two-handed) is 1. Therefore, you cannot do anything with the item.

  • Durability of Pandora Pick (two-handed) needs to be repaired using Jewel of Bless to use Pandora Pick (two-handed) and the maximum of durability is 255.

  • When one Jewel of Bless is used to repair, the durability of Pandora Pick (two-handed) is repaired +4 and Bundle of Jewel of Bless can be used. (10 Jewels of Bless = 40 durability is repaired / 20 Jewels of Bless = 80 durability is repaired / 30 Jewels of Bless = 120 durability is repaired)

  • Move to the safe area of Lost Tower, Tarkan, Aida, Swamp or Peace and La Cleon after equipped Pick Pandora (Two-Handed).

  • If you equip Pick Pandora (Two-Handed), you can see a mining area.

  • Click left button of mouse to start mine.

  • When mining attempts, the durability of Pick Pandora (Two Handed) will be consumed. (The amount of consumption is different in each area.)

  • Mining areas are divided as 5 levels.

  • Jewel of Bless will be obtained, when mining attempt is successful in each level. (Amount of Jewels is different in each area.)

  • However, when the mining attempt fails, the obtained jewels will disappear.

  • Jewel of Bless will be obtained after mine is succeeded in each level. (Obtained jewels will be given, when you move to another coordinate.)

  • When all attempts of mining is successful including the last level, rarely huge amount of jewels will be obtained.

  • When the jewels are obtained, ID / Mining Area / Amount of obtained jewels will be displayed at the middle of screen.

Mining Area(Blue)Mining Area(purple)Mining Area(Gold)

100 Jewels of Bless

400 Jewels of Bless

1000 Jewels of Bless

Last updated