Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest
Basic Info
You can enter through NPC Mait (85/135) who is in Lorencia Market to join Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest.
If your level is over 280, anyone can join.
It begins the first day every month and it is divided preliminary round and the semi-finals and it is progressed for 6 days.
The rule of Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest same as previous Chaos Castle and obtained point from Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest will contribute to move next ranking.
Obtained score will reflect rank at the same time as Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest is finished and you can check your rank through the entrances NPC.
You can check characters those who advanced for the final battle through NPC after finished the last game.
If you are a murderer, you might be restricted.
From 1st day to 6th day every month.
From 1st Day to 3rd Day Every Month
From 4th Day to 5th Day Every Month
6th Day Every Month
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Semi Final Battle
Semi Final Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Semi Final Battle
Semi Final Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Semi Final Battle
Semi Final Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Preliminary Battle
Semi Final Battle
Semi Final Battle
The Final Battle
Conditions to enter
Over LV 280
Min. numbers of beginning members is 5 and maximum is 70.
Between 1st and 20th, accumulated score from preliminary round, will get chance to advance for the finals.
Normal Class
2nd Class
Survival of the Fittest
LV 280
LV 280
Tournament Progress
The rule of progress is same as previous rule of Chaos Castle.
5 Mins
1 Min
10 Mins
1. Preliminary battle
Ranking is reflected by adding accumulated score after the last battle of preliminary battle, from 1st day to 3rd day every month.
2. Semi Final battle
Ranks 1 to 20 will advance to the Semi-Finale battle.
3. The final battle
Top 10 ranked players from the finals can enter.
It is progress for 6 days every month and the final winner will be chosen through 1 game in the finals.
The final winner will be registered Hall of Fame and at the same time, Wings of the Conqueror will be given (Periodical item).
Accumulated score
All games are calculated in the same way.
When the point is low, players at lower level and lower experience point will be prioritized.
Preliminary round / the finals will be initialized, when you advance for the next game and the final game will be hold one game to be selected the winner.
If the winner is not selected in in limited time, the winner will be selected by the following rule.
You can enter through NPC Mait (85/135) who is in Lorencia Market to join Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest.
NPC Mait
UI Description
1. Basic UI
When you click NPC Mait, a window of Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest will pop up.
Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest Basic UI
View Preliminary Ranking
When preliminary is progressed, it shows ranking between 1st and 50th.
View Semi - Final Ranking
When the semi - finals are progressed, it shows ranking between 1st and 50th.
It shows date and time for each round
Try to enter Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest
Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest Basic UI
Check ranking UI
When click ‘Check Ranking’, a ranking window will pop up.
Ranking UI
You can check rankings between 1st and 50th.
Character Name
You can check ranked charters.
You can check accumulated score. (When you advance to next round, it will be initialized.)
Check Ranking
You can check your character ranking. (It only shows between 1st and 50th rankings.
Hall of Fame
Move to the web page of Hall of Fame
Chaos Castle Survival of the Fittest Basic UI
1. Medium reward
The medium reward is same as before. However, the reward will be randomly given. (Jewel of Bless 0~3 / Jewel of Soul 0~3)
2. Final Reward
Final rewards are same as before such as Jewel of Life, Jewel of Creation, set items.
3. Reward for the final winner
The final winner will be recorded on Hall of Fame [Web Page] and ‘Wings of the Conqueror’ will be given at the same time.
Wings of the Conqueror can be used for 28 days. (When it is obtained, it will be used automatically.)
The final reward if Chaos Castle Survival of the fittest - Wings of the Conqueror
Required Level
Normal class : 280 / 2nd Class : 280
Inventory size
Item Level
0 (Jewel cannot be used for upgrade and assembly is impossible.)
Cost for repair
Trade(X) / Sell to NPC merchant (When it is expired, it can be sold / The price is 100,000,000 Zen) / Personal Store (X) / Keep it in a vault (X)
Repair cost
Absorb damage
Functional option(rate)
Decrease HP 3 every time when it attacks
Additional option
Luck (100%) 5% Chance to ignore defense and inflict (100%) 5% Chance to reflect damage taken when it hit by enemy (100%) 5% Chance to fully restore health when hit by enemy (100%) 4% Automatic HP recovery (100%)
Information of Wings of the Conqueror
Last updated